Values first
Corporate Code of Conduct
Our organization is responsible for complying with all data protection principles listed in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). All employees are expected to read the Code of Conduct and follow it in their day-to-day work.
Business Principles
Our most important task is to develop and maintain economically stable and successful business. We take responsibility for our employees, business partners and society.
- We comply with the existing legislation and international agreements.
- We respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as proclaimed by the UN, taking into account the rights of our employees, as well as the rights of the communities where we work and live.
- We are committed to conduct our business honestly and ethically.
- We are prepared for open dialogue with all those who are influenced by our business.
- We act in accordance with the competition laws.
- We do not offer or accept any undue payment or remuneration, which would induce actions against legal, honest and ethical business.
- We protect all confidential information provided by customers and our respective business partners and respect intellectual property of others
- We adhere to international trade regulations and export control regulations.
Responsibility as an Employer,
Buyer and Agent
The employees’ terms of employment should meet at least the minimum requirements laid down in the legislation and the International Labour Organization (ILO) agreements.
- We treat all employees equally.
- We respect human dignity and individuality, as well as the diversity of the working community, which means prohibiting every kind of discrimination, intimidation and harassment.
- We do not accept the use of child or forced labour under any circumstances.
- We do not permit procedures that prevent the free movement of labour.
- We do not hire anyone under the age of 15, and if the age limit in conformity with local norms is higher than this, we do not hire persons who are younger than the minimum legal age.
- We offer a safe and healthy working environment and are committed to its continued development.
- Occupational safety instructions are on hand and in use at all our workplaces.
- Our goal is to stimulate the sense of duty and mutual loyalty. We do it by engaging employees of all levels and by constant skill development.
- We respect the right of employees to form trade unions or join them in accordance with the law of each country.
- We compensate employees fairly and follow local wage regulations as well as ensure that working hours, including overtime, do not exceed applicable legal requirements.
- We strive to ascertain that our goods suppliers and subcontractors comply with the principles of the corporate Code of Conduct.
Environmental Responsibility
For us, caring for the environment means responsibility for the environmental condition, which we influence through our own operations and products. Our environmental responsibility aims to continuously develop our procedures toward lower environmental impact.
- We strive to use products that are more environmentally friendly and avoid using any hazardous substances in our products.
- We strive to increase the recycling of both materials and products.
- We minimize any loss of material.
Responsibility for Quality
We ensure that all our products and services are of good quality and comply with applicable laws, regulations, standards, commercial practices and good technical specifications at the time of delivery.

Central EuropeanWorks Sp. z o.o.ul. Chłopska 5PL 55-080 SmolecPOLAND
National Business Registry Number: 385993801
Working hours:
8:00-16:00 Monday to Friday
Mobile: +48 604 11 80 27
Member of the Star Works Group